Doctor Ebenezer Locklear

"To understand and cure madness, one needs be a tad mad himself."

General Info

- Race: Tek-Altered Elezen. Not a Xaela/Au Ra.
- Gender: Assigned Male at birth. Non-Binary - Masc Leaning (He/They).
- Age: Looks to be in his 50s by Hyuran standards.
- Nameday: Thirtieth Sun of the Second Astral Moon (30th of March).
- Sexuality: Pansexual - Sapiosexual (attraction to intelligence).
- Romance: Demi-Romantic (affection for already-known people).
- "Position": Pleasure Dom, occasional Switch.
- Marital Status: Polyamorous - Married to Lydus Locklear.
- Personality Type: INFJ-A - Introverted, big stern but friendly.
- Alignment: Neutral Good/Chaotic Good
- Occupation: Biotechnician (Bio-Engineer), Primus Medicus.
- Hobbies: Occult Enthusiast, Knowledge Hoarder.
His family; Conversation of almost any sort; Fine wines; A good book; Adores music; Learning new things; Birds... pretty much anything avian.
Senseless violence; ego strokers; bigotry, racism, sexism, classism or any other negative -ism.
Carrd Updated: 18/06/24 (dd/mm/yy) - minor changes

A note to start with: This carrd.. is huge. No, I am not sorry for it.
It has been separated into segments that you may find more easy to navigate if you are looking for certain things. Otherwise.. enjoy the novel.
If you have trouble with patience, communication or respecting boundaries, don't waste your time or mine.
I'd rather not be tossed away again because someone didn't want to be patient and wait for a chance to get to know me or my character, or because someone doesn't know when to take "no" as an answer.
I work on average 5-6 days a week, typically during the night for American folks, so I am not online constantly.
Also please, if my carrd or anything about my character makes you uncomfortable, tell me! It's better to be heard. I am well aware my character may ruffle some feathers, but I am not my character and I know how to listen when someone speaks up about something.

RP Hooks

- Doctor of the People
If you are an adventurer that is injured often, or suffer from mental ailments, then there is a chance you have been or are a patient of the Doctor, or heard of his work.
- Old Ishgardian
Ishgardian by birth, although considered a 'lowborn' and later an outcast and exile due to accusations against his family after an incident. Others of Ishgard, specifically there before the rise of the Garlean Empire, may recognize Locklear from the great nation.
- "Darkcaster"
Locklear is known well by the Thaumaturge's Guild due to his natural abilities in darker magic. He holds a general aura of darker Aether, which may be picked up by those that are practiced in magics or Aether-sensitive.
- Bio-Technician
After studying magitek and medicines for many years, and some.. self experimentation.. Locklear specializes in a field of sciences focused around the fusing of biology and technology. He mostly uses this to design and build complex prosthetics for those that have lost limbs to war or other injury.
- Half-Tek Weirdo
Locklear, at this point in his life, through many unfortunate circumstances, is now at least half made of magitek in some form or another: prosthetics, implants, augmentations.. his most obvious is his eye and metallic looking tail/horns.
- Former Garlean Scientist
If you have or have had any dealings with the Garlean Empire, you may have caught glimpses of the Doctor among their ranks.
Feel free to approach with hostile intent if this is the hook you choose, however do have the decency to warn me in /tell if you are aiming to injure the Doctor.
Looking for:
- OOC/IC friends.
- Long Term (LT) Roleplay.
- Dark, Light, Casual RP.
- Literally just RP that isn't garbage, please love me.
- Friends to do content with maybe.
NOT looking for:
- OOC/IC bleeding.
- OOC relationships. I don't need that stress.
- And pleeease no drama. I'll listen to your troubles, but don't drag me into it.
Moon Stuffs: ✓

Doctor Ebenezer Locklear

"I am a question to the world. Not an answer to be heard."


Ebenezer mal-Locklear, born Earnest Gillead Luravoix, is a wandering Elezen man of undefined origins, often spending his time around the Ul'dahn people whensoever he is not caught with his nose in a tome or scroll.Almost unusually friendly for what could be expected of an Elezen, Locklear does not possess the usual pride of his people, and views others as equals to himself more often than not, lest they give him reason to doubt.Between his studious silences and his almost mad ramblings, it is difficult to tell just what this man desires in life, yet he would tell you it is only to aide those in need, being the Doctor that he is.Being practiced in multiple fields of ranged combat, specifically as a Black Mage, more specifically a Voidmancer, and Machinist, if anyone were to ever go against him they would have better luck in close-quarter combat, lest they end up being torn to shreds by magics or bullets.


It is nigh impossible to determine just how this man behaves on a day to day basis, as he never seems to stick to any particular set of mannerisms.Some days, Locklear is friendly, talkative, and goes out of his way to aide others even if they are not particularly in need of aide. Anything from offering a few gil, to simple companionship and conversation, Locklear would seem like just about any other patron in The Quicksand or wherever else he may wander.Yet on other days, Locklear can seem gloomy, almost brooding, while being lost within the recesses of his mind. Although still with a hint of that usually friendly nature, he is a little more difficult to associate with when in these phases, as he is far more intent on focusing on his work, whether it be physically carrying out said work, or simply planning the steps within his mind.Overall, there is forever a hint of lunacy, the occasional ramblings or the restless fidgeting of one who could be considered nervous or anxious, as though hiding something in plain sight.


The first things that people may notice about Locklear is his height, and his striking appearance.
He stands towering above even most Au Ra by at least a head, making him easy to spot in a crowd, as much as he secretly hates this.
With fair facial features rather typical of an Elezen, his otherwise charming appearance is marred by metal plating primarily on the left side of his face, a glowing crimson 'eye' a stark contrast to the other soft golden eye. He frequently uses trinkets or charms pre-enchanted with glamouring magic to hide the plating, though the crimson eye remains visible.
High cheekbones, a strong jawline and sturdy brow give Locklear the general aura and appearance of having experienced much in his life, being knowledgeable despite his occasional ramblings.
His face is framed by silken, raven black hair streaked with copper that is often styled to whatever suits his fancy at the time, but is often long and flows to just above his waist.
His 'horns' sit rather high up on his head, with a pair of pointed ears settled beneath. Elezen? Au Ra? Both?
His 'tail' is long, barely sweeping across the floor in some instances, especially if he's slouching, which tends to be a common bad habit of his lately.
Although beginning out of necessity for a missing right arm, and later injuries to his face and other areas, Locklear has now fully embraced Magitek enhancements to improve his physical health as well as his strength.
Aside from the obvious false eye, other notable "enhancements" now include both of his arms in their entirety, parts of his shoulders and back, and both legs, now all completely replaced with 'tek. He also has 'horns' and a 'tail', likely crafted from some sort of 'tek from their somewhat metallic appearance, and giving him an almost Auri-esque appearance.
Beneath his armors, Locklear bares a caster's form with a slim build, lithe and lightly muscled. Scars litter his entire body, the worst adorning his back and shoulders, and looking to be lashes from varying forms of whips and flails, as the scars seem to vary in size, length, depth and general appearance, some being more jagged and rough than others.

Doctor Ebenezer Locklear

"My love for you is a journey; starting at forever, and ending at never."

Locklear is polyamorous when it comes to relationships.

One night stands, although less likely, aren't off the table, however if you decide you want to try for something more...Whether people like it or not, Locklear will prioritise his husband and partners above all else.
No, he will not magically become monogamous for you.
If you are not okay with me RPing with other people, please don't waste either of our times.If you choose to try and pursue Locklear, for the love of Hydaelyn, respect his, and my, boundaries and basic rules. The main one being COMMUNICATION IS KEY.
I will not tolerate any sort of attempts to manipulate me or my character, ICly or OOCly.
Getting tired of feeling abandoned or trodden on because people won't talk or listen.

Character's F-list may be provided on request.

Doctor Ebenezer Locklear

"You are my Sunshine, my only Sunshine.
You make me happy, when skies are grey."

Lydus Locklear

Relation: Husband and Soulmate
Formerly Lydus dus-Catius
A half-Elezen and former slave of Garlemald, Locklear found the man, injured, on the run, in a cave in Gyr Abania, and effectively snatched the runaway from the clutches of the Empire.Having rescued the man in Gyr Abania, whom he found hiding out in a cave, bloodied, bruised, and barely hanging on, on the run from the Empire, Locklear snatched him away from the Empire's clutches just as a scouting party was making their way towards the hideout.
Locklear took the man back to his clinic to patch him up, speaking as softly as the Garlean tongue allowed him to to calm the runaway, to ensure he was safe, or as safe as he was able to be..
Not wanting to leave the man to fend for himself, as Lock had years ago, the old doctor took Lydus under his wing, advising him on how the world worked, showing him around Eorzea, and teaching him how to speak Common.In return for the selfless aide that Lock provided the 'defector', Lydus promised to protect his savior, and before too long, the two not only became close, trusted friends, but lovers. A naughty night, three simple words, one thing lead to another, and the two are now bonded and deeply in love.They have been through thick and thin together already; Locklear's aether sickness, Lydus finally getting his tracking collar removed, a final Hunt before the two were truly safe, now they are able to be free and be themselves.

Daughter - Neytiri Eisheth-Locklear
Appears late twenties.
A "test tube baby" from both Lydus' and Ebenezer's DNA.

Sons - Xander & Xavier Locklear
Current age: Three-ish years.
OOC/future models: Appears late teens-early twenties.
Twins, sired by Lydus.

"You'll never know, dear, how much I love you.
Please don't take my Sunshine away..."

Doctor Ebenezer Locklear

"You call it madness, but I call it an adventure.
We can only learn to love by trying."

Shirojishi Gyokuro

Relation: Boyfriend and fellow ApothecaryAn old Au Ra that Locklear has aided from time to time, once helping heal people at an event hosted by Gyokuro. Locklear is somewhat intrigued by this particular Au Ra, mostly due to the fact he is blatantly missing several fingers among other parts, and despite it being offered, he refused any sort of solution.Distant, then reuniting a few times, eventually they sat down for a long, somewhat drunken talk which lead to hardly serious confessions, playful teasing and an interesting night. Although it is unclear how things will play out between them, Locklear seems all for the adventure.

Doctor Ebenezer Locklear

"Eyes as bright as stars and pale as the moon.
A heart and a smile to light up any room."

Aramis Dumas

Relation: Boyfriend, Little Starry BeanAramis and Locklear met through a mutual interest in Astrology and healing, and after some time spent talking endlessly about magicks, among other things, Locklear ended up taking Aramis under his wing to help the Keeper through some deep-seeded trauma.Over time, they developed a deeper bond, each being protective and caring for the other, and though Aramis does not talk to Locklear quite as often about what ails him, there is plenty of other, more entertaining conversations to be had.Aramis often refers to the old man as "Locky-loo", while Lock can usually be heard referring to Aramis, aside from the regular little pet names of 'darling' and 'dear', as "starlight".

Doctor Ebenezer Locklear

"No matter the distance between us..
I will always be yours, my dark mistress."

Inannu Annu & Elzivir

Relations: Girlfriend/Mistress and BoyfriendInannu Annu.
Benevolent Mistress, glorious holder of his heart.
Annu was one of Locklear's first loves, aside from his long deceased late husband, and forever holds a special place in the old man's heart.
Locklear has twin children, Ellie and Zael, from a relationship with Annu, who bore his children, and her Auri mate, Elzivir, who helped to raise them in Locklear's absence before going missing. For a time, he saw little of the two and his children until recently. He now, at least, gets to see Annu and the two little ones, from time to time.Son and Daughter - Zael & Elli Maibrar-Locklear
Age Unknown, estimated four-five summers.
Twins under care of their mother.
(Adorable art by Annu)

Doctor Ebenezer Locklear

"The Blood of the Covenant is thicker than the Water of the Womb."

Augustus "Argus" van Corvidae

Relation: Brother-In-Arms/Former Commanding OfficerAugustus and Locklear go way back, far longer than either would care to admit, although they had first been seen working alongside each other during the Empire's rise, especially before and during the Calamity of Carteneau.Although they have recently gone their separate ways, it is near impossible to deny they share a bond forged in flames.

Aulex Duivelain

Relation: BrotherA fellow doctor with as much of a drive to help people as Locklear, the two Elezen have worked together on multiple occasions, growing a familial bond through their many misadventures.If you ask Locklear about him nowadays, one thing that the old doctor might say is he wouldn't likely be alive now without his brother, and this is true, on many accounts.

S'buroh Ikato

Relation: Unofficially Adopted BrotherAulex's "half-brother", it was only natural that Locklear would feel protective of this Miqo'te. A friend of a friend easily falls under Locklear's care whether they expect it or not.Although they do not very often spend time together, any time they do, Locklear tends to pamper the guy with fine teas and small cakes, and plenty of ear scritches.

Inannu Annu

Relation: MistressInannu Annu, aka Annu Maibrar-Elzivir.
Benevolent Mistress, glorious holder of his heart.
Annu was one of Locklear's first loves, aside from his long deceased late husband, and forever holds a special place in the old man's heart.
Locklear has twin children, Ellie and Zael, from a relationship with Annu Maibrar, all three of whom he cares for deeply even if current circumstances make it difficult to see them frequently.

Walking Atlas

Relation: Close FriendA man of a mysterious past, the boy seems to have some connection to Locklear, frequently found visiting the Elezen's estate to deliver packages, or simply to visit.

Tre'mien Duivelain

Relation: Brother-In-Law
Aulex's husband.
Although Locklear doesn't get much of a chance to talk to the stern Ishgardian Dragoon, the two at least hold some respect for each other over their mutual desire to protect the people they hold dear to them.

Marco Renario

Relation: Family Friend/Acquaintance
Being Aulex's adoptive father, it was inevitable that Locklear and Marco would meet at some point. Despite being a bit of a grumpy "old" man, Marco and Lock get along well enough, especially over a glass of whisky, having an almost unspoken connection due to similar past experiences.

Felixient "Felix" Cluvair

Relation: Dear Friend/Precious Smol Bean
A young, deaf Elezen who happens to be a regular patient of Aulex Duivelain; Locklear met him in Ul'dah and quite quickly became very protective of the much younger man.
Just like any other who are close to Locklear's friend group, Felix was soon adopted into the quirky 'family'.

Wynona Frost

Relation: Close Friend
A young Viera, known to the Doctor through Aulex, and a talented young lass practiced in the healing arts, it was only natural that the two would become friends, the doctor even offering to teach Wynona about other forms of healing aside from magical.

Dimitrius Ikato

Relation: Family Friend
An Auri man, raised by Lalafell, and partner of S'buroh, Dimitrius and Locklear get along well enough, even if they do not spend a huge amount of time with one another.

Marron Quillsong

Relation: Close Friend
Aramis' somewhat chaotic little offspring, Marron quickly wormed their way into Locklear's heart, and can on the rare occasion be found helping to.. decorate Locklear's prosthetics.
Glitter.. Glitter everywhere. Please for the love of the Gods do not give this kid stickers or crayons.

Doctor Ebenezer Locklear

"Temper, temper, tell us your name.
Can I be part of the problem or part of the blame?"

Locklear's primary profession revolve around his works as a Doctor, specialising in psychology and psychiatry.However, the matters of the mind are not the only fields of medicine Locklear is practiced in. He takes great pride in the fact that he also practices physical, practical medicines, not being one to rely entirely upon magic to mend wounds like many-a healer. Everything from bandages and splints for simple injuries and broken bones, to surgery for more severe and grievous wounds, this Doctor is experienced in many fields, and is aught but shy to tell of such.Over the years, he has also adapted his knowledge in building and maintaining smaller Magitek devices and machines to be able to construct and attach fully functional prosthetics to those that may have lost limbs or other parts through conflict or other means.Despite his past, specifically his conscripted service to the Empire, Locklear finds himself able to walk freely among the people, having gained the trust of many working as a Doctor, he feels almost at home among the people of Eorzea.
Almost. . .

Locklear is the proud owner of a large estate in the Lavender Beds that he has, somewhat unoriginally, called the Locklear Estate.
He shares this estate with his husband and family.
- Estate Location:
Lavender Beds, 27th Ward
Dappled Stalls Subdivision, Plot 33
Whensoever there happens to be an open night, Locklear will almost certainly be found, rather interestingly, participating in duels at the Temple of Lakshmi, hosted by the High Priest himself.
He doesn't know exactly why he enjoys it, but it is fun to get to fight people on occasion without the guilt of lasting injuries thanks to the magicks in the Temple.
- Temple Location:
The Mists, 29th Ward
Plot 14
Locklear had, for a time, found himself employed as a Medic at The Brawlers' Pit, where his tasks primarily consist of tending to the injured fighters after each match, although it could very well be possible he himself is coerced into the ring.
Although lately he finds himself too busy to attend most open nights, whenever he has free time lining up with a fight night he may be found at the Pit, which is typically open every second and fourth Sunday.
- Brawlers' Pit Location:
Empyreum, 7th Ward
North West Subdivision, Plot 42

Doctor Ebenezer Locklear

"We live and die in a Vulture Culture
We crucify anyone we hunger."

Doctor Ebenezer Locklear was born into the Source, in the grand city of Ishgard, under the name Earnest Gillead Luravoix.Locklear lived like any other citizen would until after his mother remarried to a Garlean engineer some time after his birth-father's disappearance. Life went on, and they moved to Garlemald after an incident that left them exiled from Ishgard.
Fate was kind, for a time, giving the man a lover for several years.
Up until the Garlean Empire rose to power, that is...

The Empire's Claim

As the Empire rose to power, Locklear, with his lover and his mother, attempted to flee the lands, leaving his step-father to his vices with his new superiors.
All for naught, however. No matter how much one might run, can one truly hide for long?
With his mother slaughtered on the spot, his lover gravely injured and later dying from the wounds, what more could Locklear do? Eventually captured, he was forced to work for the Garlean Empire with his trained skills in medicines, assigned to his step-father's regiment.
Under the torturous lashings and physical assaults he endured by his step-father's men, Locklear was left with naught but countless scars, decorating his shoulders and causing him strife even to this day.
Locklear was also involved in an 'accident', caused no doubt by some of his step-father's men, that brought about the loss of his right arm, that was shortly replaced by a Magitek prosthetic.
After a few years, Locklear came to work more willingly for the Empire, for he found that at least it gave him some reprieve from the lashings if he were to cooperate.
With his skills, he soon worked his way up from being a Peregrinus, or a mere slave, to a Primus Medicus, one of the more 'respected' medics of the Empire. Even so, some still looked down upon him.. At least by that point, he wasn't so easily pushed around.

Carteneau & Beyond

When the Calamity of Carteneau came about, Locklear found his one chance to 'escape' the clutches of the Empire.
Amidst the chaos, he struck down his original captor and torturer, feeling nary a sliver of remorse, gathering up the keys to the 'Millenium' vehicle, and making his way out of the chaos.
He spent about a year on the road, gathering his bearings of Eorzea before working towards gaining the trust of the people, especially around Ul'dah, covering scars and the likes in armours and clothing before becoming one with the people.
Or, as much of one as he could be... for even years after his supposed escape, he still found himself working for the Empire as much as for the Eorzean people. Although that appears to have changed in recent times, his morals 'set straight', as some say, who is to say the man proud of his truths is telling the entire truth?
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~After several years working in Eorzea, as well as occasionally being sent to places like Ala Mhigo and Kugane to tend to the injured as they pushed back the Empire, Locklear found himself slowly settling down, having purchased a small apartment in the Lavender Beds that soon became a sort of safe haven for him and his knowledge. Then much later landing a much larger estate in the same area, his collection of books and knickknacks growing exponentially.He had promised himself he would not allow anyone to show him too much kindness after the loss of his partner, but that didn't last all too long, as soon enough he started to feel emotions he had long since supressed.His own nature worked against him, having once sworn to keep himself out of more meaningful relations, eventually he found himself craving the affections of someone he could call his once again.

Doctor Ebenezer Locklear

"When the whole world is silent, even one voice becomes powerful."

Voice Claim:

Motion Reference

In the rare chance Locklear would ever be caught dancing, as he oft does alone to build and keep strength in what remains of his shredded muscles, he can be found performing akin to the following references.Credit to the choreography/performances go to Horus Mozarabe.


Because everyone has a tab like this, right?

Hi, I guess.

I go mostly by River or Locky.
Yes, like my character.
No, I am NOT my character.
I am 21+, and with a preference for dark and mature RP themes, I expect RP partners to be at least 18+. No one wants to get into trouble here.
I am from Australia (GMT+8), though my schedule is currently non-existent and I tend to be up and all sorts of hours, plus working several days each week.
I enjoy doing content in FFXIV, whether it be dungeons, raids, treasure maps, whatever. Need or want someone to help run something? I'd be more than happy to help.
All jobs are capped (90) as of 18/04/2022 (I think).

I also gather and craft a LOT whenever I'm not RPing or spending time with my FC/friends. So hey, if you need anything, I can gather and craft just about anything.
I have all mastercrafting tomes and all folklore gathering tomes, with the options to switch to any specialist required (currently WVR, GSM and ALC).
I often do pretty cheap or free crafts, though tips are always appreciated because who doesn't love money?

Holy Rabies.. HOLY RABIES! I finally have a PC! (24th April 24)
I'm one of the cool kids now!

Player is Non-Binary, mostly Asexual and Demiromantic.
Player is also on the autism spectrum, has an anxiety disorder and all that other fun stuff.
Homophobia, Transphobia, insults about mental health and generally any sort of hate towards me regarding this or towards my friends will not be tolerated. Don't be that guy. We're all human, after all.

Hobbies?.. Uh.. Gaming, I guess. Roleplaying is something I am passionate about, the storytelling, the meeting new people.
Otherwise, reading, drawing, the occasional horse-riding and archery.
I'm not one to give out my Discord willy-nilly unless I've RPed with you at least a few times.